350hr Teacher Training Course

400hr Iyengar Teacher Training, Simon Marrocco, West End Yoga Centre, WEYC Brisbane


B.K.S Iyengar in “Tree Of Yoga” wrote: “It is relatively easy to be a teacher of an academic subject, but to be a teacher in art is very difficult, and to be a yoga teacher is the hardest of all, because yoga teachers have to be their own critics and correct their own practice. The art of yoga is entirely subjective and practical. Yoga teachers have to know the entire functioning of the body; they have to know the behaviour of the people who come to them and how to react and be ready to help, protect and safeguard their pupils.”


Under the guidance of  Yoga teachers Jamie Denham and Antoine David, the teacher training course will cover a deep understanding and development of teaching and practice. The course will include instructions in yoga for women, basic remedial and theory of working with injuries, use of props, basic anatomy and also the philosophy and psychology of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Homework will be given.
The course content will cover thoroughly a detailed study of the asanas and pranayamas of the syllabus and practice sequences. If you pass the course, you will be eligible as a Certified Yoga Teacher.
Observation and guidance will be given in these main essential areas of professional development as a teacher, as well as the importance of developing a healthy practice.
  • Clarity of instruction
  • Observation and correction and adjusting of students
  • Performance in demonstration effectiveness
  • Teacher presence, class control, communication
  • Pacing and timing of asana
  • Professional development as a teacher
  • Proper sequencing of the level of the students
To be eligible for the Teacher Training program, applicants must have been practising at West End Yoga Centre for approximately one year.
Please contact info@westendyogacentre.com.au for more information and to register interest in this course.